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Levantine Arabic Online: Mastering 'I Visit' in the Present Tense

arabic verbs learn levantine online omar nassra arabic textbook Jul 01, 2024



Mastering the Present Tense of "I Visit" in Levantine Arabic

Marhaba! Welcome to today's blog post on mastering the present tense of "I visit" in Levantine Arabic. In this session, we'll dive into the verb 'بزور' (bazur) and explore practical examples to help you understand its usage. Let's get started!


Introduction to the Arabic Verb 'بزور' (bazur)


In Levantine Arabic, to say "I visit" in the present tense, we use the verb 'بزور' (bazur). Conjugation is key in understanding how this verb functions in different contexts. Below, we'll practice using this verb in various sentences to get a clear understanding of its application.


Practical Arabic Examples


Let's look at some practical examples to see how 'بزور' (bazur) is used in different contexts:


  1. **أنا بزور أهلي كل أسبوع.**  

   **(Ana bazur ahli kul usbouh.)**  

   Translation: I visit my family every week.


  1. **أنا بزور أصدقائي عطلة نهاية الأسبوع.**  

   **(Ana bazur asdiqai atlit nihayet alusbouh.)**  

   Translation: I visit my friends on weekends.


  1. **أنا بزور الأماكن التاريخية المدينة.**  

   **(Ana bazur alamakon altarikhia almadina.)**  

   Translation: I visit historical places in the city.


  1. **أنا بزور مطعم جديد كل شهر لأجرب أكلات جديدة.**  

   **(Ana bazur mat'am jdidi kul shahr la'ajreb aklat jdideh.)**  

   Translation: I visit a new restaurant every month to try new foods.


  1. **أنا بزور صالة الألعاب الرياضية ثلاث مرات في الأسبوع لأتدرب على اللياقة البدنية.**  

   **(Ana bazur salet al'a'alam alriyadiya thalath marat fi alusbouh la'atahrab ala alyaqa albadaniya.)**  

   Translation: I visit the gym three times a week to work out.


  1. **أنا بزور مكتبة الحي كل يوم جمعة لأستعير كتب جديدة.**  

   **(Ana bazur maktabat alhai kul yawm jom'ah la'asta'ar kutub jedideh.)**  

   Translation: I visit the neighborhood library every Friday to borrow new books.


  1. **أنا بزور البحر لأمضي وقتاً مع عائلتي في أيام العطل.**  

   **(Ana bazur albahar la'omdi waqtan ma'a ailati fi ayaam aleutal.)**  

   Translation: I visit the beach to spend time with my family on holidays.


Arabic Practice Time: Your Turn!


Now it’s your turn! Let’s practice together. I'll provide an English sentence, and you can try translating it into Levantine Arabic using the verb 'بزور' (bazur).


  1. **I visit my grandparents every month.**  

   Take a moment to think.  

   The correct translation is: **أنا بزور جدي وجدتي كل شهر.**  

   (Ana bazur jidi wa jiddati kul shahr.)


  1. **I visit the museum on special occasions.**  

   Think for a bit.  

   The correct translation is: **أنا بزور المتحف المناسبات الخاصة.**  

   (Ana bazur almuthaf almnasbat alkhasa.)


  1. **I visit the old market every weekend.**  

   Take your time.  

   The correct translation is: **أنا بزور السوق القديم كل نهاية أسبوع.**  

   (Ana bazur alsouq alqadim kul nihayat usbouh.)


  1. **I visit my cousins on their birthdays.**  

   Give it a try.  

   The correct translation is: **أنا بزور أولاد عمي في أعياد ميلادهم.**  

   (Ana bazur awlad ammi fi a'yad miladihum.)




To wrap up, we've learned how to use 'I visit'—'بزور' (bazur)—in the present tense across several sentences. Keep practicing these sentences and try to come up with your own examples to get more comfortable with the verb. By doing so, you'll strengthen your grasp of Levantine Arabic.

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Thank you for joining today’s lesson. Ma' as-salama!